Royal Society of NSW News & Events

Royal Society of NSW News & Events

Postponement of Ideas@theHouse (September 2020)

Regrettably, due to unforeseen circumstances, it has been necessary to postpone the second in theIdeas@theHouse series to be presented jointly by Our Patron, Her Excellency, The Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, Governor of NSW and the Royal Society of NSW on the evening of 22 September 2020.  As soon as circumstances permit, the event will b...

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Nominate a colleague for a Society Award

Nominations closed on 30 September 2020. Now is your chance to nominate a colleague or friend who you believe is eligible for a Royal Society of NSW Award. You have the opportunity to nominate a high achiever for the Society’s prestigious prizes for excellence in science, technology, engineering, maths, agriculture, history, philosophy and the bett...

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August 2020 Events now on YouTube

Events held online during August 2020 by the Royal Society of NSW are now available on our YouTube channel.  These are the lecture presented at the1285th Ordinary General Meeting by Professor Peter Radoll (University of Canberra) on the evening of 5 August, and two presentations for Science Week 2020 by Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy an...

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Vale Professor Richard Stanton - Distinguished Fellow of the Society

The Society is saddened to learn of the death of one of its Distinguished Fellows, Professor Richard Stanton AO DistFRSN FAA, on 25 August 2020 at the age of 94. Richard Limon Stanton was a distinguished economic geologist. Born in 1926, he completed his BSc degree at New England University College, University of Sydney (later to become the Un...

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Stewardship of Country: a national seminar series from the Royal Societies of Australia

The Society is pleased to announce this forthcoming series of three webinars to be presented by the Royal Societies of Australia during October–December 2020. Stewardship of Country provides an opportunity to exchange views with knowledgeable practitioners and experts in a national conversation on managing Australia’s most valuable resour...

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Governor presents 2019 Society Awards

GH Awards Presentation 4 images reduced

The Society was delighted that its Patron, Her Excellency The Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, Governor of NSW, was able to present the Society’s 2019 Awards at a special ceremony in the Ballroom at Government House on Thursday, 13 August. The awards were unable to be presented at this year’s Annual Dinner, which had been held virtually, because ...

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National Science Week 2020 Events from RSNSW

National Science Week 2020 is now upon us (15-23 August 2020) and the Royal Society of NSW is pleased to offer two presentations this year.  They are: 18 August 2020 at 6.00pm: "The COVID Curve in Content":or Back to the Future—something old and something new", Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy AM FRSN20 August 2020 at 6.00pm: "The Periodic Tab...

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Senior Secondary Pathways Review chaired by Society Fellow, Peter Shergold

The Report of the Review of Senior Secondary Pathways, chaired by Society Fellow and Chancellor of Western Sydney University, Professor Peter Shergold AC FRSN FASSA FAICD, was released by the Australian Government in late July 2020. The report, titled Looking to the Future, argues that transition pathways presented to young adults are too often nar...

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Postponement: The Clancy Collection Exhibition of Early Maps

The Clancy Collection Exhibition of Early Maps, “Charting a Course: a 500-year story of discovery and the development of Sydney”, to be presented by Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy AM FRSN at the Manly Art Gallery and Museum on Wednesday, 19 August (4.00pm), has been postponed due to uncertainties associated with the COVID-19 pandemic The exhibiti...

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New editions of the Society's Journal and Bulletin: August 2020

The Society is pleased to advise that the latest issues of the Journal and Proceedings vol. 153-1 and the Bulletin vol. 443 have just been published and are now available on the website.  The principal content of this issue of the Journal is the 2019 RSNSW and Four Academies Forum: Making SPACE for Australia (including links to YouTube pr...

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Society Fellow awarded the London Royal Society Royal Medal

The Royal Society of NSW (RSNSW) is delighted to learn of the announcement in London by the Royal Society that one of its Fellows, Emeritus Professor Herbert Huppert FRS FRSN, has just been awarded the 2020 Royal Medal for Physical Sciences. The Royal Medals are awarded on behalf of the Queen each year, and have been issued annually since 1825. The...

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July 2020 Events now on YouTube

Events held online during July 2020 by the Royal Society of NSW are now available on our YouTube channel.  These are the lecture presented at the1284th Ordinary General Meeting by Ms Elizabeth Ann McGregor OBE FRSN (Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art) on the evening of 8 July 2020, and the lecture presented at the meeting of the H...

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Recent Society Events now on YouTube: July 2020

Recent events held online by the the Royal Society of NSW are now available on our YouTube channel.  These are the 2020 Annual Dinner and Distinguished Fellow's Lecture, presented by Professor Brian Schmidt AC FRS DistFRSN FAA  (Vice-Chancellor of ANU) on the evening of 27 July 2020, and the Open Lecture presented at the 1284th Ordinary G...

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New edition of the Society's Journal and Proceedings: June 2020

The Society is pleased to advise that the latest issue of the Journal and Proceedings vol. 152-3 has just been published. This is a special issue from the 2019 Biennial Symposium of the Australian and New Zealand Associations of von Humboldt Fellows and is published online only on this website.


Lord Robert May: ABC Science Show, 13 June 2020

The ABC Science Show, broadcast on ABC Radio National at noon on Saturday, 13 June 2020, was devoted to the life and achievements of Lord Robert May of Oxford, OM AC Kt FRS DistFRSN FAA FTSE HonFAIB, who died at the age of 84 on 28 April 2020. The program is now available for download from the Science Show website. Lord May, a Distinguished Fellow ...

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Queen's Birthday Honours 2020

The Society is pleased to note the awards listed in the 2020 Queen’s Birthday Honours List to Society Fellows: a Companion of the Order to Australia (AC) to Ms Belinda Hutchinson AC FRSN; a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) to Professor Stephen Garton AM FRSN FAHA FASSA; and a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) to Emeritus Professor Roy...

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Professors Froyland, Joliffe and Paulsen, RSN Fellows, elected as Australian Academy of Science Fellows

Professor Katrina Joliffe
Professor Gary Froyland
Professor Gary Froyland

The Royal Society of NSW is delighted to learn of the recognition of three of its Fellows, Professor Gary Froyland FRSN FAA, Professor Katrina Joliffe FRSN FAA, and Distinguished Professor Ian Paulsen FAA FRSN,  being elected as Fellows of the Australian Academy of Science in May 2020.   As Fellows of the Australian Acacdemy of Scien...

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Recordings of recent Society events now on YouTube

Recent events held online by the the Royal Society of NSW are now available on our YouTube channel.  For May 2020, these are the lecture titled “COVID-19 and confusion: the story of a nasty but nice viral receptor” presented at the Society’s Hunter Branch by Emeritus Professor Eugenie Lumbers AM DistFRSN FAA, and the inaugural Ideas@theHouse e...

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Release of the YouTube recording of Ideas@theHouse: May 2020

The Royal Society of NSW is delighted to announce the release on its YouTube channel of the recording of the inaugural Ideas@theHouse presentation, conducted by webinar on the evening of Thursday, 21 May 2020. Ideas@theHouse is an initiative of Her Excellency, The Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, Governor of New South Wales, to open Government Ho...

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Society Fellow awarded a prestigious international fellowship

The Royal Society of NSW is delighted that one of its Fellows, Professor John Shine AC FRS FRSN FAA, has just been elected, in 2020, as a Fellow of the Royal Society of London. He is well known for his role in discovering the Shine-Dalgarno gene sequence, and was responsible for the initiation and termination of protein-synthesis. Further, he was a...

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Royal Society Events

The Royal Society of New South Wales organises events in Sydney and at its Branches throughout the year. 

In Sydney, these include:

  • Ordinary General Meetings (OGMs), normally held at the State Library of NSW normally at 6.00 for 6.30 pm on the first Wednesday of each alternate, even-numbered month (February, April, June, August, October, and December). The OGMs comprise Society business, reports from Council, and the induction of new members and Fellows into the Society.  They are followed by a public lecture presented by an eminent speaker and are preceded by drinks, available from a cash bar in an adjacent room. All OGMs are open to the public. Registration for these events is required and there is a small charge to cover the costs associated with holding these meetings in the State Library. 
  • Online meetings, conducted as Zoom webinars, which are held normally at 6.30 pm on the first Wednesday of each alternate, odd-numbered month (March, May, July, September, and November).  All online meetings are open to the public and there is no charge for attendance.  
  •  The Ideas@theHouse series, conducted in collaboration with our Patron, the Governor of NSW, and held at Government House Sydney.  

A range of events is held in collaboration with other learned societies and academies. These include the:

  • Annual Forum — conducted jointly by the Royal Society of NSW and the Australian Academy of Science, the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, the Australian Academy of the Humanities, the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, and the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences, and normally held at Government House Sydney
  • Four Societies Lecture — conducted with the Australian Institute of Energy, the Nuclear Panel of Engineers Australia (Sydney Division), and the Australian Nuclear Association
  • Dirac Lecture — with UNSW Sydney and the Australian Institute of Physics
  • Liversidge Medal lecture — with the Royal Australian Chemical Institute.

In addition, there are the named lectures that are associated with the Society's awards.  In some cases, these lectures are conducted jointly with universities, normally the host institution of the winner of that award. 

In all cases, these events are advertised on these pages and registration for events held face-to-face is required.

Each of the Branches runs a regular program of face-to-face events in their local areas.  All branch events are included in the Events listed on these pages and individual Branch pages include just those events being organised by the local branch.  

The bulk of the Society's event program is recorded and made available on our YouTube channel.

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of the lands on which we live and work, and we pay our respects to Elders past and present.
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