Past Awards (prior to 2023)
Archibald Ollé Prize
The Archibald Ollé Prize of $500 is given from time to time, at the discretion of the Council, to the author who has submitted and had accepted the best single-author paper to the Society’s Journal.
Clarke Medal
The Clarke Medal, prior to 2023, was awarded each year for distinguished research in the natural sciences conducted in the Australian Commonwealth and its territories. The fields of geology, botany, and zoology were considered in rotation.
Clarke Memorial Lecture
The Clarke Memorial Lecture is delivered each year by the most recent winner of the Clarke Medal.
Edgeworth David Medal
The Edgeworth David Medal is awarded each year for distinguished contributions by a young scientist under the age of thirty-five (35) years on 1 January in the year in which the medal is awarded, for work done mainly in Australia or its territories, or contributing to the advancement of Australian science.
History and Philosophy of Science Award
The Society’s History and Philosophy of Science Medal is awarded each year to recognise outstanding achievement in the History and Philosophy of Science with preference being given to the study of ideas, institutions, and individuals of significance to the practice of the natural sciences in Australia.
Jak Kelly Award
The Jak Kelly Award recognises excellence in postgraduate research in physics annually, with the winner selected from presenters at each year’s Australian Institute of Physics, NSW Branch Postgraduate Awards, as advised to the Awards Committee of the Royal Society of New South Wales. The award honours Jak Kelly (1928-2012), Professor and Head of Physics at the University of NSW, and President of the Royal Society of NSW (2005-2006).
James Cook Medal
The James Cook Medal has been awarded periodically by the Royal Society of New South Wales for outstanding contributions to science and human welfare in and for the Southern Hemisphere. Traditionally, it been the Society’s most prestigious medal.
Liversidge Lecture
The Liversidge lectureship is awarded biennially for research in chemistry. The lecture is presented in conjunction with the Royal Australian Chemical Institute.
Poggendorff Lectureship
The Poggendorff Lectureship is awarded every two to three years for research in plant biology and, more broadly, agriculture.
Pollock Memorial Lecture
The Pollock Memorial Lectureship has been awarded approximately every four years since 1949 and is sponsored by the University of Sydney and the Society in memory of Professor J.A. Pollock, Professor of Physics at the University of Sydney (1899-1922) and a member of the Society for 35 years.
Royal Society of NSW Citation
The Royal Society of New South Wales Citation is awarded to a Member or Fellow of the Society who has made significant contributions to the Society, but who has not been recognised in any other way. A maximum of three Citations may be awarded in any one year.
Royal Society of NSW Scholarships
Three scholarships of $500 plus a complimentary year of Associate Membership of the Society are awarded each year in order to acknowledge outstanding achievements by young researchers in any field of science in New South Wales.
The Royal Society of New South Wales Medal
The Society’s Medal is awarded from time to time to a member of the Society who has made meritorious contributions to the advancement of science, including administration and organisation of scientific endeavour and for services to the Society.
Walter Burfitt Award
The Walter Burfitt Prize is awarded every three years for research in pure or applied science, deemed to be of the highest scientific merit. The winner must be a resident in Australia or New Zealand.
Warren Prize
The Warren Prize is awarded to recognise research of national or international significance by early- or mid-career engineers and technologists. The research must have originated or have been carried out principally in New South Wales.
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