Membership Services
Society Members and Fellows may access Membes, the online membership management and the payment system.
The online membership services that are available are:
- Updating of your personal profile information and contact details
- Booking for events
- Purchasing Society merchandise — including the printed copy of the journal and other merchandise through the online shop
- Payment of subscriptions — through a link provided in the renewal request email or via the Edit My Profile page on the Membes site.
Should you wish to make a donation to the Society, please do so by using the embedded GiveNow form on the Donations page of this website.
To access the membership services in Membes through the links above, you will need to log in to Membes using the email address with which the Society communicates with you as your username, together with a password.
If this is the first time that you have accessed Membes, or you have forgotten your password, you will need to reset your password using the link provided. An email will be sent containing a link that will enable you to change your password within Membes, after which you can log in.
Should you not receive this email, please search the spam or junk folder on your email client.
If you experience difficulties, please contact the Society’s office using the form on the Contact page.
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