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Society Fellow elected as a 2021 Fellow of the Academy of Technology and Engineering

ATSE logo and image of Professor Jason Sharples

ATSE logo and image of Professor Jason Sharples The Royal Society of NSW is delighted to learn of the recognition of one of its Fellows as a new Fellow of the Academy of Technology and Engineering, elected in November 2021.  He is Professor Jason Sharples FRSN FTSE of UNSW (Canberra), a Bundjalung man, who uses predictive mathematical models to prevent catastrophic bushfires.

Professor Jason Sharples is a mathematical scientist and an internationally recognised expert in dynamic bushfire behaviour and extreme bushfire development. His research has extensively influenced policy and practice in Australia and internationally. Further, some recommendations of the NSW Bushfire Inquiry into the 2019-20 bushfires were framed by his research. Using complex predictive mathematical models, Professor Sharples’ research aims to prevent big fires from forming by forecasting danger periods and predicting areas where small fires could develop into big ones. He directs several national research projects and contributes to the international professional dialogue.  A Bundjalung man, Jason Sharples says Indigenous Australians have been innovators and scientists for thousands of years, a heritage that can continue today, especially through fire and land management.

Professor Sharples addressed the Royal Society of NSW in June 2021 on his research in a fascinating talk titled “Extreme bushfires and the age of violent pyroconvection”. This talk is available on YouTube.

The Council of the Royal Society of NSW extends its warmest congratulations to Professor Jason Sharples on this recognition by the Technology and Engineering Academy for his achievements.

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