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Society Fellow, Cathy Foley, appointed as Australia’s next Chief Scientist

Dr Cathy Foley

Dr Cathy FoleyThe Royal Society of NSW was delighted to learn that one of its Fellows, Dr Cathy Foley AM FRSN FAA FTSE, has just been appointed as the incoming Chief Scientist of Australia from 2021. Dr Foley, a 36-year veteran of CSIRO, comes to the position of Australia’s Chief Scientist from the role of Chief Scientist at CSIRO.

She has a distinguished record of research in the field of solid-state physics and its applications, combining quantum physics, material science and research translation. Earlier this year, she was recognised as a Member of the Order of Australia for her contribution towards the advancement of women in science, and particularly physics. The Council of the Society warmly congratulates Dr Foley on her aappointment and looks forward to her guidance of Australian science and technology in the years to come.

To read more about Dr Cathy Foley and her impressive portfolio of achievements during her career, please read the following articles at the Australian Academy of Science website and in the Sydney Morning Herald.

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