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RSNSW Council Elections 2024

Voting in the RSNSW Council Elections for 2024 will commence on Monday 25 March at noon and will continue for three weeks, closing at noon on Monday 15 April. This precedes the Society’s Annual General Meeting, to be held in the Metcalfe Theatre of the State Library of NSW, commencing at 6.00 pm AEDT on 17 April.

Full members of the Society, i.e., Members, Fellows, and Distinguished Fellows, who are financial as of 31 March will be eligible to vote in the electronic ballot for the AGM.

The ballot comprises procedural business and the elections of five Ordinary Councillors (from a field of six nominees) who will serve for a two-year term, commencing at the close of the AGM. For the position of Treasurer, there was only a single nominee who will be declared elected at the AGM.

Further information about the ballot and the AGM can be found on the website event notice, a copy of which was emailed to all Society members at 10.00 am on Friday 22 March.

We look forward to seeing as many members as possible at the AGM, and at the following Ordinary General Meeting at which Professors Peter Shergold AC FRSN and Kristy Muir will engage in a lively discussion on “Putting the ‘Civil’ back in Civil Society”. 

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