Nominations for the 2021 Elections for the Council of the Royal Society of NSW closed at 5.00pm on Friday, 5 March 2021.
Listed below are those who nominated as office-bearers and as ordinary members of Council. In all cases, candidates were invited to provide optional statements outlining how their expertise and experience fits them for these roles and will benefit the Society. These statements are available through the links below.
For each of the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian, and Webmaster, only a single nomination was received. Accordingly, these Office-bearers will be declared elected, without the need for a ballot, at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on 7 April 2021 at 6.00pm.
An election is required for the positions of:
- President — from a field of two (2) candidates
- Vice-President — from a field of two (2) candidates
- Eight (8) Councillors — from a field of fourteen (14) candidates.
Please note that there are candidates who are standing for more than one position. In such circumstances, Rule 16(e) states that when a person stands for election in several offices (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian, Webmaster, Councillor), that person shall be deemed elected to the first office considered for election in the order specified, if successful, and shall by deemed ineligible for subsequent offices.
The ballot will be conducted electronically and will run from 18 March 12.00pm AEDT to 6 April 12.00pm AEST.
Members, Fellows and Distinguished Fellows, who are financial in 2021, will receive an email from the Society’s Returning Officer, via the electronic balloting company, Election Buddy. This email will include a unique ballot link that provides a random, secret access key for each voter. Voter anonymity is assured by ballot settings which ensure that voter choices cannot be linked to any voter.
The ballot will also address procedural business of the AGM, details of which are provided on the Preliminary Notice of the 154th AGM and 1292th OGM.
Bruce Ramage
Royal Society of NSW
15 March 2021