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RSNSW and Learned Academies Forum

RSNSW and Learned Academies Forum Committees


On behalf of the Council, the RSNSW and Learned Academies Forum Committees lead the planning and program development for the Annual Forum held at Government House, Sydney, in partnership with Australia’s Learned Academies. The Program is designed to draw together, in one day, authoritative voices from the natural, technological, medical, and social sciences, and the humanities, to consider high-impact issues in a way that will inform Australian public policy and public opinion in the decades ahead.

There are two committees: the Planning Committee which attends to logistic arrangements, and the Program Committee which develops the Forum Program and recruits eminent speakers.   

Detailed information about the Committee’s Terms of Reference is available from the preceding link.


For 2023–2024, the Planning Committee is:  

Chair Dr Susan Pond AM FRSN FTSE FAHMS
Secretary Emeritus Professor Lindsay Botten FRSN (Webmaster, AV/IT)


and the Program Committee comprises:

Chair Professor Ian Hickie AM FRSN FASSA FAHMS

Professor Tony Cunningham AO FRSN FAHMS 
Emeritus Professor Philippa Pattison AO FRSN FASSA
Professor George Paxinos AO DistFRSN FASSA FAHMS FAA
Professor Hans Pols AM FRSN FAHA FASSA

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