An audience of approximately 50 people who attended the Society’s 1328th Ordinary General Meeting at the State Library of NSW on 4 December, enjoyed an excellent presentation from, and a lively question and answer session with, acclaimed scientist and mental health practitioner, Scientia Professor Helen Christensen AO FAHMS FASSA, of UNSW Sydney and the Black Dog Institute.
Professor Christensen, recently announced as the NSW Premier’s Scientists of 2024 and also the winner of the 2023 Royal Society of NSW James Cook Medal, spoke on the highly topical subject of ‘Social media and smartphones for youth: What’s the story’.
A video of the presentation and Q&A session is now available on the Society’s YouTube channel, while a collection of images from the occasion, including certificate presentations to the RSNSW’s new Members and Fellows and some from the Christmas Party, is also available for viewing and download.