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Recent Events on YouTube: September/October 2021

Recorded RSNSW events now on YouTube

Recorded RSNSW events now on YouTube All online events from the Royal Society of NSW are recorded and are made available for subsequent viewing on our YouTube channel, youtube.com/royalsocnsw, as well as being curated on the Presentations page of this website (under the Publishing menu). 

In September, Dr Jessica Milner Davis FRSN treated the Society to an insight into “Taking humour and laughter seriously: Exploring the multi-disciplinary field of humour studies”, while international energy entrepreneur, Dr Saul Griffith FRSN, and former CEO of ANSTO, Dr Adi Paterson FRSN FTSE, presented a not-to-be-missed vision for the future of our energy system and the need to “electrify everything” in “Our Energy Future: Crushed Rocks”.  This was the second in a two-part series, the first of which, “Our Energy Future: Our Castles”, was presented in August.

In October, Scientia Professor Toby Walsh FRSN FAA of UNSW (Sydney) presented “Privacy and Identity in an AI world”, providing a fascinating insight into the implications and challenges for a world in which the use of artificial intelligence is increasingly prevalent.  Also in October, the Western NSW Branch of the Society presented its first lecture in collaboration with Charles Stuart University (CSU).  In this, acclaimed journalist and  CSU Vice Chancellor’s Chair of Australian-Indigenous Belonging, Professor Stan Grant, delivered an erudite overview of the changing of the world order in his presentation  “With the Falling of the Dusk”.  

Each of the links above is to videos on the Society’s YouTube channel, which now includes more than 70 presentations in its library.  

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