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Recent Events on YouTube: March 2024

Most face-to-face events and all online events conducted by the Royal Society of New South Wales are recorded and made available for subsequent viewing on our YouTube channel: youtube.com/royalsocnsw.

Three events have been posted to YouTube from late February into early March 2024.

On 21 February, an audience of more than 60 people attended the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Four Societies (Australian Institute of Energy, the Australian Nuclear Association, Engineers Australia, and the Royal Society of NSW) in the Metcalfe Theatre of the State Library of NSW on 21 February 2024. They were treated to an outstanding presentation and a lively discussion on “Resilience before Readiness — ‘… for the want of a horseshoe nail’”, delivered by Vince Di Pietro AM CSC FRSN, former Commodore, Royal Australian Navy, and former CEO of Lockheed-Martin Australia.  A recording of his presentation is now available on YouTube.

On 28 February, the Western NSW Branch of the Society, in collaboration with Charles Sturt University, presented a lecture by Professor Shokoofeh Shamsi, Professor of Veterinary Parasitology in the CSU Gulbali Institute or Agriculture, Water, and Environment, titled “Parasites, Australia’s silent threat: coincidence, nature’s hand, or policy complacency”.  The recording of this presentation is now available on YouTube.

Most recently, on the evening of Wednesday, 6 March, the ninth in the series of Ideas@theHouse events — joint presentations of Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, Governor of New South Wales, and the Royal Society of New South Wales — was held in the Ballroom of Government House Sydney. Acclaimed actor and theatre director, John Bell AO OBE, the Founder and former Artistic Director of Bell Shakespeare, presented “Shakespeare on politics — what can we learn” to a face-to-face audience of approximately 100 people, which included Society members and invited guests including students from NSW universities, together with an online audience. In an erudite, thought-providing, and highly entertaining talk, Dr Bell presented a brief survey of the political scenarios in Shakespeare’s plays —Tragedies, Histories, and even the Comedies in the context of these three questions. He discussed how do Shakespeare’s observations resonate with us now, and what can we take from them to confront the dilemmas we face today? A recording of this presentation is now available on YouTube.

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