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Recent Events on YouTube: June 2024

Most face-to-face events and all online events conducted by the Royal Society of New South Wales are recorded and made available for subsequent viewing on our YouTube channel: youtube.com/royalsocnsw.

During June 2024, the recordings of three events were uploaded to our YouTube Channel.

The first was the recording of Professor Pall Thordarson, Director of the USNW Sydney RNA Institute, at the 1322nd Ordinary General Meeting on 5 June. He spoke on the topic of “RNA and me: from the origins of life and nanomedicine to building an RNA ecosystem”. In this wide-ranging talk, he addressed the potential of RNA therapeutics, his journey into the field, the impetus to develop an RNA ecosystem in the country, and of the important role that NSW is playing in this.

The second recording titled “An evening with Michael Kirby AC CMG FRSN: Requiring High Court Judges to retire at 70: a sensible referendum vote or a big mistake”, was kindly made available to the Society by Charles Sturt University. In the talk, presented at the Bathurst Campus of CSU on 29 May, Dr Kirby, the former High Court Justice, reflects on his legal career, on the referendum vote of 1977 requiring High Court Judges to retire at 70, and the recent public commentary that this was an unwise move.

Finally, the latest in the Western NSW Branch’s Provocations series, jointly with Charles Sturt University, has been uploaded to YouTube. In this talk from the Charles Sturt University Orange Campus on 26 June, Professor Muhammad Shoddily, Distinguished Professor of Nanotechnology at CSU, outlined the importance of simple, fast, and affordable molecular testing methods for detecting and treating diseases, and discussed their potential for healthcare and agriculture.

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