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Meet the Fellows

Royal Society of NSW

Meet the Fellows—3-minute videos

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RSNSW SealAbout “Meet the Fellows”

Since the Fellowship category of membership was introduced in December 2013 to recognise individuals who are leaders in their field, the number has continued to grow steadily to the more than 400 Fellows and Distinguished Fellows who form part of our Society today. They join around 200 Members who are also desirous of furthering the aims of the Society and have been elected in accordance with its Rules.

Our Society includes members from a wide range of disciplines and experiences. It draws its strength by embracing the sciences and the humanities and building bridges across them. The whole becomes greater than the sum of the parts because of the new knowledge, insights, and outcomes created by this collective intelligence.

As one of its first initiatives, the Society’s Community Engagement Committee, co-chaired by Professors Kathy Belov and Eric Knight, is introducing this “Meet the Fellows” series. It will comprise 3-minute video interviews with Fellows, starting with those elected most recently. Not being able to meet face-to-face while we grapple with the pandemic means that we cannot introduce our new Fellows to each other or to the Society at large in person. These videos will help to close that gap.

Each interviewee will be asked the same set of questions. Their own unique answers will add colour and light to the Society’s membership as we interview more and more Fellows. We will extend this initiative to Society Members as soon as possible. Each interview will be posted on the Society’s website and social media accounts, subject of course to appropriate permissions.

I extend my thanks to Kathy Belov, Eric Knight, and Alice Motion from the Community Engagement Committee, and to the Society’s Webmaster, Lindsay Botten, for leading this “Meet the Fellows” initiative.

Dr Susan M Pond AM FRSN
President, Royal Society of NSW
7 August 2021

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Links to the Fellows’ Videos

To view the videos inline on this page, click on the YouTube icon on the graphic.  To view the videos at a larger scale, directly within YouTube, click on the word “YouTube” in the graphic after you have opened the inline view. The full collection of videos is also accessible from the “Meet the Fellows” playlist on the Society’s YouTube channel.

Professor Robert Minasian FRSN
Professor Emeritus, School of Electrical and Information Engineering
The University of Sydney

27 January 2022


Professor Ken-Tye Yong FRSN
Professor and Associate Dean (External Engagement)
The University of Sydney

12 December 2021


Yves Hernot KONM (France) FRSN
Philanthropist and Patron of the Arts

16 September 2021


Dr Ian Oppermann FRSN FTSE
NSW Chief Data Scientist
Department of Customer Service, NSW Government

7 September 2021


Associate Professor Simon de Graaf FRSN
Associate Professor of Animal Reproduction
The University of Sydney

13 August 2021


Dr Carolyn Hogg FRSN
Senior Research  Manager,
Australasian Wildlife Genomics Group
The University of Sydney

12 August 2021


Anne Maria Nicholson FRSN
Journalist, Author, Company Director,
and Media and Arts Consultant

11 August 2021


Professor Merlin Crossley FRSN
Professor of Molecular Biology and
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
UNSW (Sydney)
10 August 2021


Professor Glenda Sluga FRSN FAHA
Professor of International History
The University of Sydney
9 August 2021


Professor Geraint Lewis FRSN FLSW
Professor of Astrophysics
The University of Sydney
8 August 2021


Director and Chief Executive Officer
The Australian Museum
7 August 2021


Professor Kathy Belov AO FRSN
Professor of Comparative Genomics &
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement)
University of Sydney
4 August 2021



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