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Leading universities call for wealthy nations to commit to zero emissions targets

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Depiction of climate changeA new international network of top climate universities universities including the UNSW Sydney, the University of Melbourne, and Monash University, as well as Oxford, Caltech and the Sorbonne amongst many others  is calling for wealthy nations to commit to net zero emissions targets. The International Universities Climate Alliance, announced on 18 November 2020, was initiated by UNSW, principally through the efforts of two of the Society’s Fellows: Ian Jacobs FRSN (Vice-Chancellor of UNSW) and Matthew England FRSN FAA (a leading climate researcher). Its first action was to send a declaration to the G20 before its coming meeting in Saudi Arabia, urging the world’s leading economies to take urgent action to prevent catastrophic climate change by an early commitment to net zero emissions. The declaration has been signed by 48 of the world’s leading universities.

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