Fellows of the Royal Society of NSW (S)

On this page are listed brief biographies of the following Fellows.
The recorded year references the date on which the Fellow joined the Society,
while the suffixed entry displays the Branch with which the Fellow is associated.

  • Elaine Sadler, Fellow (2023) : Sydney
  • Veena Sahajwalla, Fellow (2018) : Sydney
  • Deep Saini, Fellow (2017) : Overseas
  • Gerd Schmalz, Fellow (2024) : Hunter
  • Tim Schmidt, Fellow (2015) : Sydney
  • Nick Schofield, Fellow (2017) : Sydney
  • Peter Schouten, Fellow (2021) : Hunter
  • Julianne Schultz, Fellow (2023) : Sydney
  • Mark Scott, Fellow (2015) : Sydney
  • Peter Scott, Fellow (2017) : Overseas
  • Rodney Scott, Fellow (2017) : Hunter
  • Maj. Gen. (Retd) Jeff Sengelman, Fellow (2018) : Sydney
  • Wendy Sharpe, Fellow (2018) : Sydney
  • Jason Sharples, Fellow (2021) : Sydney
  • Christopher Sharpley, Fellow (2023) : Hunter
  • The Hon. Terry Sheahan, Fellow (2017) : Sydney
  • Richard Sheldrake, Fellow (2016) : Sydney
  • Peter Shergold, Fellow (2016) : Sydney
  • Geoffrey Sherington, Fellow (2019) : Sydney
  • Bill Sherwin, Fellow (2019) : Sydney
  • Steve Sherwood, Fellow (2016) : Sydney
  • John Shine, Fellow (2004) : Sydney
  • Craig Simmons, Fellow (2023) : Hunter
  • Simeon Simoff, Fellow (2017) : Sydney
  • Jane Simpson, Fellow (2020) : Western NSW
  • Steve Simpson, Fellow (2014) : Sydney
  • The Hon. Arthur Sinodinos, Fellow (2020) : Overseas
  • Christie Slade, Fellow (2019) : Sydney
  • Garry Smith, Fellow (2016) : Sydney
  • Lee Smith, Fellow (2018) : Hunter
  • Scott Smith, Fellow (2017) : Interstate
  • Margo Somerville, Fellow (2022) : Sydney
  • Charles Sorrell, Fellow (2021) : Sydney
  • Allan Sparkes, Fellow (2019) : Sydney
  • Michael Spence, Fellow (2018) : Overseas
  • Georgina Spilsbury, Fellow (2021) : Sydney
  • Catherine Stampfl, Fellow (2021) : Sydney
  • Martina Stenzel, Fellow (2020) : Sydney
  • Catherine Stevens, Fellow (2020) : Sydney
  • Graeme Stewart, Fellow (2015) : Sydney
  • Mark Stewart, Fellow (2021) : Hunter
  • Rod Stowe, Fellow (2017) : Sydney
  • Rathan Subramaniam, Fellow (2022) : Overseas
  • Leigh Sullivan, Fellow (2021) : Sydney
  • Keith Suter, Fellow (2012) : Sydney
  • Peter Swan, Fellow (2018) : Sydney
  • Elaine Sadler, Fellow (2023) : Sydney
    Professor of Astrophysics, School of Physics, University of Sydney

    Elaine Sadler has an international reputation in the fields of astrophysics and galaxy evolution.

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    Veena Sahajwalla, Fellow (2018) : Sydney
    FRSN PhD (Michigan) FAA FTSE HonFIEAust
    Scientia Professor and Founding Director, Centre for Sustainable Matherials Research and Technology (SMART), UNSW (Sydney)

    Veena Sahajwalla is renowned for her innovation in green steel making process using waste tyres, and for green manufacturing-revolutionary Australia/Global waste economy and for her public communication of science and technology.

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    Deep Saini, Fellow (2017) : Overseas
    FRSN BSc (Hons) MSc (Hons) (Punjab) PhD (Adelaide)
    Principal and Vice-Chancellor, McGill University, Canada

    Deep Saini was formerly a noted plant physiologist before taking on senior leadership roles in university administration in both Australia and Canada.

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    Gerd Schmalz, Fellow (2024) : Hunter
    FRSN Dr.rer.nat.habil. (Bonn) CertGovPrac FAustMS
    Professor, School of Science and Technology, University of New England

    Gerd Schmalz is recognised as an expert in Several Complex Variables and CR Geometry.

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    Tim Schmidt, Fellow (2015) : Sydney
    FRSN BSc (Hons) (Syd) PhD (Cantab) FRACI FRSC
    Professor, School of Chemistry, UNSW (Sydney)

    Timothy Schmidt is recognised for his seminal contributions to the spectroscopy of small molecules and the application molecular spectroscopy to photophysical processes, including molecular fragments in space, and the dynamics of reactions of molecules.

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    Nick Schofield, Fellow (2017) : Sydney
    FRSN BSc (Hons) (London) DPhil (York)
    Adjunct Professor, Murdoch University
    Visiting Professorial Fellow (and former Professor and Director, UNSW-Global Water Institute), Australian Water Partnership

    Nicholas Schofield has conducted world-leading research on the origin of the Earth, Moon and planets improving river health understanding and remediating salinisation, advancing mine site rehabilitation and silvicultural practices, contolling pesticides, improving irrigation efficiency, reducing eutrophication, advancing methodologies for research priority setting and evaluation.

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    Peter Schouten, Fellow (2021) : Hunter
    Artist, illustrator, and author

    Peter Schouten has had (and continues to have) an extraordinary educational and inspirational impact through his brilliant and voluminous artistic interpretation of Australia's globally unique prehistoric as well as living creatures

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    Julianne Schultz, Fellow (2023) : Sydney
    AM FRSN BA (Qld) PhD (Syd) GradCertManagement (UNSW) FAHA
    Professor Emeritus in Media and Culture, Centre for Social and Cultural Research, Griffith University

    Julianne Schultz is a writer and researcher in media and cultural studies who has made a major contribution to public cultural discourse.

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    Mark Scott, Fellow (2015) : Sydney
    AO FRSN BA DipEd MA (Sydney) MPA (Harvard)
    Vice-Chancellor and President, University of Sydney

    Mark Scott is a distinguished leader in business and public service, having served at the highest levels in media and broadcasting, and secondary and higher education.

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    Peter Scott, Fellow (2017) : Overseas
    FRSN BA (Hons) (Warwick) PhD (Sheffield)
    President and CEO, The Commonwealth of Learning, Athabasca University

    Peter Scott is a leading researcher in knowledge media and technology-enhanced learning.

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    Rodney Scott, Fellow (2017) : Hunter
    FRSN BSc(Hons) PhD (UWA) DSc (Basel) HonDSc (Pomeranian) FHGSA FRCPath(UK) FFSc(RCPA)
    Laureate Professor of Medical Genetics, School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy, University of Newcastle

    Rodney Scott, a human geneticist, has made a long-term contribution to the understanding of genetic factors linked especially to inherited predispositions to cancer and to other more common human diseases.

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    Maj. Gen. (Retd) Jeff Sengelman, Fellow (2018) : Sydney
    AM DSC CSC LOM FRSN MA (Strat Studies) MA (Int Studies) (Harvard)
    Major General (Retd), Australian Army
    Executive Director, Jeff Sengelman Consulting Pty Ltd

    Jeffrey Sengelman has served Australian defence as a distinguished commander and leader in many theatres around the world including East Timor .

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    Wendy Sharpe, Fellow (2018) : Sydney
    AM FRSN BA (Sydney) MA (UNSW)
    Australian Artist

    Wendy Sharpe is a renowned artist who has reflected to the nation the dedication of service men and women whilst also portraying the anguish of others less fortunate seeking to come to our shores.

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    Jason Sharples, Fellow (2021) : Sydney
    FRSN BSc (Newcastle), BMath (Hons) (Newcastle) PhD (UC) FTSE FMSSANZ
    Professor of Bushfire Dynamics and Director of the UNSW Bushfire Research Group, School of Science, UNSW (Canberra)

    Jason Sharples has made outstanding contributions to bushfire research, which have significantly improved our understanding of bushfire behaviour, bushfire-atmosphere interactions and extreme bushfire development.

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    Christopher Sharpley, Fellow (2023) : Hunter
    FRSN TPTC (Bendigo) BA (UNE) Grad Dip Couns (Qld) Grad Dip Psych (Qld) MEd(Hons) BSc MSc MA PhD (UNE) FAPS FCCLP
    Professor of Neuroscience, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of New England

    Christopher Shapely has made a substantial contribution to teaching and research in biomedicine.

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    The Hon. Terry Sheahan, Fellow (2017) : Sydney
    AO FRSN BA LLB (Sydney)
    Retired Judge of the Land and Environment Court of New South Wales

    Terry Sheehan is a judge and a former Minister of the Crown. He is a renowned expert on environmental and planning law, an administrator of community environmental, health and professional institutions--a life dedicated to public service.

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    Richard Sheldrake, Fellow (2016) : Sydney
    Former Director-General, NSW Department of Primary Industries

    Working in senior levels of the NSW Government for almost 20 years, Richard Sheldrake has led and influenced a diverse range of policy reforms which have impacted at both the State and national levels.

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    Peter Shergold, Fellow (2016) : Sydney
    AC FRSN BA (Hons) (Hull) MA (Illionois) PhD (London) HonDLitt (UNSW) FASSA FANZSOG FIPAA FAICD FAIM
    Emeritus Chancellor, Western Sydney University

    Peter Shergold has been a distinguished leader of the Australian Public service and continues to be a committed contributor to civic life in NSW as a University Chancellor, public administrator, and board director.

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    Geoffrey Sherington, Fellow (2019) : Sydney
    FRSN BA (Hons) MA (UNSW) PhD (McMaster) FRAHS
    Emeritus Professor, Department of Education, University of Sydney

    Geoffrey Sherington is an historian, particularly of the history of schools and universities, also embracing the history of immigration.

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    Bill Sherwin, Fellow (2019) : Sydney
    FRSN BSc (Hons) PhD (Melb.) CertHEd (UNSW)
    Emeritus Professor, School of Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences, University of NSW

    Bill Sherwin forecasts and measures molecular biodiversity in endangered flora and fauna. He has devised new mathematical approaches based on information theory, which are now used widely.

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    Steve Sherwood, Fellow (2016) : Sydney
    FRSN BSc (MIT) MSc (UCSD) PhD (UCSD, Scripps)
    Professor, Climate Change Research Centre, UNSW (Sydney)

    Sherwood's work has advanced our understanding of the sensitivity of Earth's climate, the physics of clouds, and the impact of global warming on humans.

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    John Shine, Fellow (2004) : Sydney
    Emeritus Professor Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Garvan Institute of Medical Research

    John Shine is a distinguished Australian biochemist and molecular biologist, recognised for his discovery of the Shine-Dalgarno nucleotide sequence that is necessary for the initiation and termination of protein synthesis. He was the winner of the Prime Minister's Prize for Science in 2010.

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    Craig Simmons, Fellow (2023) : Hunter
    Pro Vice-Chancellor, College of Engineering, Science and Environment, University of Newcastle

    Craig Simmons has made a significant contribution to the field of groundwater science working across the public and private sectors.

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    Simeon Simoff, Fellow (2017) : Sydney
    FRSN BSc MSc PhD (Moscow PowerEngInst) FIEAust
    Dean, School of Computer, Data and Mathematical Sciences, Western Sydney University

    Simeon Simoff is a leader in research and development in visual data science, information-based negotiation and mediation in artificial intelligence, intelligent interaction and reasoning in human-computer systems, and believability in virtual and augmented reality systems.

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    Jane Simpson, Fellow (2020) : Western NSW
    FRSN BA (Hons) MA (ANU) PhD (MIT) FAHA FASSA Australian Linguistics Society
    Professor Emerita, Linguistics, Australian National University, Australian National University

    Jane Simpson is an academic linguist specialising in documenting, understanding and archiving indigenous languages of Australian languages syntax and semantics. She collaborates widely and her work has supported Aboriginal land claims.

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    Steve Simpson, Fellow (2014) : Sydney
    Professor and Academic Director, Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney

    Steve Simpson is a distinguished scientist who works at the interface of physiology, ecology, and behaviour. As well as discovering the mechanisms that induce swarming in locusts, he has led the development of a novel class of state-space models for nutrition, cal

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    The Hon. Arthur Sinodinos, Fellow (2020) : Overseas
    AO FRSN BCom (Hons) DLitt (Newcastle)
    Former Ambassador to the United States of America, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Government

    Arthur Sinodinos is a distinguished public servant, parliamentarian, Minister of the Crown, and now diplomat, including holding the Federal Science portfolio and most recently as Australian Ambassador to the USA.

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    Christie Slade, Fellow (2019) : Sydney
    FRSN BA (Hons) PhD (ANU) DipEd (UNE) FRSA
    Emeritus Professor and former Vice-Chancellor, Bath Spa University

    Christina Slade is an international academic leader in the impact of globalism on citizenship, media and education, with a focus on reasoning. As Vice Chancellor, she led Bath Spa University through a significant period of development.

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    Garry Smith, Fellow (2016) : Sydney
    FRSN BSc MPlan PhD
    Former Chair, Sustainable Remediation Forum of Australia and New Zealand

    Garry Smith has made a significant contribution to human health in Australia through leadership in risk management and standards applied to remediation of contaminated and hazardous sites including the Sydney Olympics and Barangaroo projects.

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    Lee Smith, Fellow (2018) : Hunter
    FRSN BSc (Hons) (Leicester) PhD (Warwick) FRSB
    Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Griffith University

    Lee Smith is a world-leading expert in in the androgen control of male fertility and health, and now is a distinguished university leader.

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    Scott Smith, Fellow (2017) : Interstate
    Professor of Structural Engineering, The University of Adelaide, University of Adelaide

    Scott Smith is an internationally recognised and awarded engineer who is advancing rehabilitation techniques for civil infrastructure as an academic and researcher, via leadership roles in national and international organisations.

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    Margo Somerville, Fellow (2022) : Sydney
    AM DSG FRSN AuA (Pharm) (Adelaide) LLB (Hons) (Sydney) DCL (McGill) FRSC
    Professor of Bioethics, National School of Medicine University of Notre Dame Australia, University of Notre Dame

    Margaret Somerville is an Internationally recognised bioethicist—and pioneer in the field and is a consultant to international institutions, including UN agencies, governments.

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    Charles Sorrell, Fellow (2021) : Sydney
    2021 FRSN BSc (U. Missouri, Rolla) MSc (PSU) PhD (UNSW) 2018 FAustCeramSoc
    Professor of Ceramic Engineering, School of Materials Science and Engineering, UNSW Sydney

    Chris Sorrell is distinguished for long-term service to education and research in ceramic science and engineering in Australia. He is a leading expert on the artist Edgar Chahine.

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    Allan Sparkes, Fellow (2019) : Sydney
    CV OAM FRSN Diploma of Management
    Deputy Commissioner, Mental Health Commission of NSW

    Allan Sparkes works with Government and community to secure better mental health and wellbeing for NSW. He is the only New South Welshman to be awarded a Cross of Valour.

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    Michael Spence, Fellow (2018) : Overseas
    AC FRSN BA (Hons) LLB (Hons) DipLangStud (Korean) LLD (HC) (Sydney) DPhil GradDipTheol (Oxon).
    President and Provost, University College London

    Michael Spence is a leading scholar in the field of intellectual property theory, and a university leader in Australia and the United Kingdom.

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    Georgina Spilsbury, Fellow (2021) : Sydney
    Chief Psychologist, Corrective Services NSW, NSW Communities and Justice

    Georgina Spilsbury has contributed significantly to the areas of clinical and forensic psychology for more than 40 years in both research and public service management.

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    Catherine Stampfl, Fellow (2021) : Sydney
    FRSN BSc (Hons) PhD (La Trobe) Habilitation (TU Berlin) GradCertEdStud (Syd.) FAA
    Professor of Condensed Matter Physics, School of Physics, University of Sydney

    Catherine Stampfl is a theoretical condensed matter physicist with an outstanding international reputation for her research into the atomic and electronic structure of solids, their surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures.

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    Martina Stenzel, Fellow (2020) : Sydney
    FRSN MSc (Bayreuth) PhD (Stuttgart) FAA FRACI
    Scientia Professor in Chemistry and ARC Laureate Fellow, School of Chemistry, UNSW (Sydney)

    Martina Stenzel is an internationally recognised expert in the design and synthesis of complex polymers for biomedical applications, especially drug delivery. She is the 2019 Liversidge medallist of the Royal Society of NSW.

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    Catherine Stevens, Fellow (2020) : Sydney
    FRSN BA (Hons) PhD (Sydney)
    Professor in Psychology and Director, MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour
    Development, Western Sydney University

    Catherine Stevens investigates human learning and pattern recognition in universal contexts of music, dance, speech and, most recently, technology. She founded the Australian Music and Psychology Society in 1996.

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    Graeme Stewart, Fellow (2015) : Sydney
    Clinical Professor (Medicine, University of Sydney), Centre for Immunology
    Allergy Research, Westmead Institute for Medical Research, Westmead Institute for Medical Research

    Graeme Steward is internationally recognised for his research on the genetics of autoimmune diseases, particularly multiple sclerosis.

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    Mark Stewart, Fellow (2021) : Hunter
    FRSN BE (Monash) PhD (Newcastle) FTSE FIEAust FIAPS CPEng
    Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering, School of Civil
    Environmental Engineering, University of Technology Sydney

    Mark Stewart is an international leader in risk assessment, public policy decision making, and protective infrastructure for extreme hazards applied to a wide range of infrastructure/ engineering systems, including climate change.

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    Rod Stowe, Fellow (2017) : Sydney
    (Former) Commissioner for Fair Trading, NSW, NSW Fair Trading, NSW Department of Finance, Services and Innovation

    Rod Stowe has for decades led the nation in consumer protection practice and regulation, ensuring a scientific, legal and ethical rigour is applied to those standards.

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    Rathan Subramaniam, Fellow (2022) : Overseas
    Professor of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Department of Medicine, Otago Medical School, University of Otago, New Zealand and Duke University, Durham, NC, USA

    Rathan Subramaniam is a world leading expert in cancer imaging, diagnosis and treatment using radiopharmaceuticals. He is at the forefront of practice changing international multi-centre clinical trials, translational and implementation research in oncology.

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    Leigh Sullivan, Fellow (2021) : Sydney
    FRSN BSc (Agr) (Hons) PhD (Syd.) FSSA
    Deputy Vice Chancellor(Research and Innovation) (retired), University of Canberra

    Leigh Sullivan is a leader of research within the university sector and is recognised as an international authority in the science and management of acid sulfate soils and carbon bio-sequestration.

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    Keith Suter, Fellow (2012) : Sydney
    AM FRSN BA(Hons) MA (Hons) PhD (Syd.) PhD (Deakin) PhD (Syd.) FAICD FRAI
    Global Futurist and Media Commentator

    Keith Suter is a highly regarded economic and social commentator, strategic planner, conference speaker, author and broadcaster.

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    Peter Swan, Fellow (2018) : Sydney
    AO FRSN BEc (Hons) (ANU) PhD (Monash) FASSA
    Professor of Finance, UNSW Business School, UNSW (Sydney)

    Peter Swan is an economist known for his empirical research that explains the dominance of large listed companies, supports reforms such as tax imputation, and his advocacy for female market traders.

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