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Forum 2022: Reshaping Australia—Communities in Action

Reshaping Australia: Communities in Action coverimage

Reshaping Australia: Communities in Action coverimage



Dates: Thursday 3 November 2022, 9.30 am–5.30 pm AEDT
Venue: Live-streamed and now on YouTube
Brochure: A program brochure, comprising the program, abstracts and speaker biographies, is available from this website.

On this page:


The tumultuous last decade has witnessed a decline in political consensus and a growing perception that our formal institutions of government have failed to tackle fundamental challenges in areas such as climate change and social inequality.

As the 2022 Federal election demonstrated, many Australian communities, corporations, and interest groups have become increasingly active as voices for political change. The ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart’ is one striking example of a community demanding that they be shapers of policy, not just the recipients of what others think should be done.

Such activism builds on a long tradition of community participation in Australia, which has developed a vibrant and extensive not-for-profit sector. There are now more than 50,000 organisations, a million employees, and five million volunteers, providing services and support in many areas of our civil life.

These community and volunteer efforts are essential in managing the immediate and long-term impacts of social and environmental crises including catastrophic fires, droughts, and floods. Successful initiatives have involved local communities collaborating with corporations, businesses, research, and government agencies to find innovative solutions.

This year, the Royal Society of NSW in partnership with Australia’s Learned Academies and under the gracious patronage of Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Governor of New South Wales, will explore this dynamic of communities in action. It will canvass some of the latest research on the factors shaping disparities in social, economic and well-being outcomes for Australians and address four key areas – health, education, infrastructure, and the environment.

The Forum will highlight examples of community collaboration with business, not-for-profit, research, and government organisations to drive meaningful change. It will conclude with a consideration of how greater community participation might impact long-term policy development for the benefit of all Australians.

The Royal Society of NSW acknowledges the generous support of Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Governor of New South Wales, and the Office of the New South Wales Government Chief Scientist and Engineer.

Program and Presentations

The full video recording of each session is accessed by clicking on the YouTube video images, while direct access to each of the speakers’ presentations and segments in the sessions is available through the links shown in the program text.  

Welcome and Official Opening

Introduction to the Governor and Acknowledgement of Country
President, Royal Society of NSW

Official Opening
Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC
Governor of New South Wales

Welcome and Acknowledgements
President, Royal Society of NSW

Introduction to the Program and Moderator
Professor Stephen Garton AM FRSN FAHA FASSA
Chair, Forum Program Committee
Principal Advisor, Office of the Vice-Chancellor and President, University of Sydney

Moderator and Rapporteur
Emeritus Professor Julianne Schultz AM FAHA
Emeritus Professor, Griffith University
Chair, The Conversation Media Group

Session I: Setting the Scene
Emeritus Professor Julianne Schultz AM FAHA
Moderator and Rapporteur

Professor Richard Holden FASSA
Professor of Economics, UNSW Sydney
President, Academy of Social Sciences in Australia

Alison Frame
Deputy Secretary,  Social Policy Group, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
Australian Government

Dr Kalinda Griffiths
Scientia Lecturer, Centre for Big Data Research in Health
UNSW Sydney

Dr James O’Donnell
Lecturer, School of Demography and ANU Social Cohesion Grand Challenge
Australian National University

Panel Discussion and Audience Q&A
Moderated by Emeritus Julianne Schultz

Session II: Health and Communities
Emeritus Professor Julianne Schultz AM FAHA
Moderator and Rapporteur

Bernie Shakeshaft (link to talk summary)
Founder and Director
BackTrack Youth Works

Sally Redman AO
Chief Executive Officer
Sax Institute Sydney

Distinguished Professor Elizabeth Elliott AM FRSN FAHMS
Distinguished Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health
University of Sydney

Professor Maree Teeson AC FAHMS FASSA
Professor and Director, The Matilda Centre for Research In Mental Health and Substance Use
University of Sydney

Panel Discussion and Audience Q&A
Moderated by Emeritus Professor Julianne Schultz

Session III: Natural and Built Environment

Emeritus Professor Julianne Schultz AM FAHA
Moderator and Rapporteur

Louise Adams FTSE
Chief Operating Officer

Professor David Schlosberg FASSA
Professor of Environmental Politics and Director, Sydney Environment Institute
University of Sydney

Tone Wheeler
Principal and Director
Environa Studio

Angelica Kross
Community Activist

Panel  Discussion and Audience Q&A
Moderated by Emeritus Professor Julianne Schultz

Session IV: Education
Emeritus Professor Julianne Schultz AM FAHA
Moderator and Rapporteur

Professor Peter Shergold AC FRSN FASSA
Western Sydney University

Professor Pasi Sahlberg
Professor of Education
Southern Cross University

Professor Kim Beswick
Professor of Mathematics Education and Director, Gonski Institute for Education 
UNSW (Sydney)

Professor Lisa Jackson Pulver AM FRSN
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Strategy and Services)
University of Sydney

Panel Discussion and Audience Q&A
Moderated by Emeritus Professor Julianne Schultz

Session V: Summary and Solutions

Panel Discussion:

Emeritus Professor Julianne Schultz AM FAHA
Moderator and Rapporteur

Professor Ariadne Vromen FASSA
Sir John Bunting Chair of Public Administration, Crawford School of Public Policy
Australian National University

Professor Lisa Jackson Pulver AM FRSN
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Strategy and Services)
University of Sydney

followed by a further discussion amongst the panel.

Vote of Thanks:

President, Royal Society of NSW

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