RSNSW Annual Dinner 2018
Guests of honour:
His Excellency General The Honourable David
Hurley AC DSC (ret’d.), Governor of New South
Wales and Patron of the Royal Society of New
South Wales, and Mrs Hurley
Distinguished Fellow’s Lecture
Thomas Keneally AO DistFRSN
“Mungo Man imagined:
writing the ultimate historical novel”
Friday 18 May 2018
Mitchell Galleries, State Library of NSW, Shakespeare Place, Sydney
Award of Medals:
Clarke Medal for the natural sciences:
Professor David Keith
Edgeworth David Medal for distinguished research by a young scientist:
Associate Professor Angela Nickerson
James Cook Medal for contributions to science and human welfare:
Professor Gordon Parker
History & Philosophy of Science Medal:
Professor Peter Godfrey-Smith
Pollock Memorial Lectureship:
Professor Andrea Morello
Poggendorff Award for plant biology and agriculture:
Associate Professor Brent Kaiser
Royal Society of NSW Medal:
Dr Donald Hector
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