The Society held its Annual Dinner for 2011 at St Paul’s College, University of Sydney on Friday 18 February 2011. Our guest-of-honour was the Governor of NSW, Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir AC CVO, one of our two Patrons and a long-standing supporter of the Society. We were also pleased to have three Deans of Science from universities in Sydney present. In her Occasional Address Her Excellency made reference to the antecedents of the Society and the work of one of her predecessors, Governor Lachlan Macquarie, in creating a climate in which Societies such as ours might germinate. We appreciate her support and that of the unbroken line of her predecessors.
The Governor, Marie Bashir, presents Fellowship to Professor Michelle Simmons.

The Governor, Marie Bashir, presents Fellowship to Emeritus Scientia Professor Eugenie Lumbers.

The Governor, Marie Bashir, congratulates Dr Ken Campbell on his award of the Clarke Medal.​

The Governor, Marie Bashir, presents Assoc. Prof. Angela Moles with the Edgeworth David Medal.​

The Governor, Marie Bashir, presents Prof. Rick Shine with the Walter Burfitt Prize.​

The Governor, Marie Bashir, presents Dr Julian King with the joint AIP/Royal Society of NSW Studentship Award.​

The Governor, Marie Bashir, with Society President John Hardie after he presented her with a token of the Society’s appreciation.​

Vice President, Heinrich Hora, gives the vote of thanks.​

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Date: Saturday, 19 February 2011, 04:08 AM

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