Hurley cropped 2
  Guests of Honour:

  His Excellency General The Honourable David
  Hurley AC DSC (ret’d.), Governor of New South
  Wales and Patron of the Royal Society of New South
  Wales, and Mrs Hurley

peter baume   
  Distinguished Fellow’s Lecture:

  “Don’t blame the unemployed”

  Hon Emeritus Professor Peter Baume AC DistFRSN

Award of Medals and Prizes:

Clarke Medal (Geology) Professor Simon P. Turner
Edgeworth David Medal Associate Professor Muireann Irish
History and Philosophy of Science Medal Em Professor Roy MacLeod
James Cook Medal Professor David Cooper
Walter Burfitt Prize Professor Justin Gooding
Archibald Liversidge Research Lecture and Medal Professor Justin Gooding
Poggendorff Award for plant biology and agriculture Associate Professor Andrew Robson

Wednesday 3 May 2017
Union, University and Schools Club, 25 Bent Street, Sydney

President and MCyoung scientist

President Brynn Hibbert and the MC, Judith Wheeldon   |   Associate Professor Muireann Irish and the Governor

turnermedal annual dinner

Professor Simon Turner and the Governor   |   Professor Justin Gooding and the Governor

Roy MacLeod medal 3 Ann Dinn 2017

Emeritus Professor Roy MacLeod and the Governor   |   Associate Professor Andrew Robson and the Governor

medal dinner2017 2 Choucair and Baume

Professor David Cooper and the Governor   |   Dr Mohammad Choucair and Hon. Emeritus Professor Peter Baume

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Date: Friday, 14 April 2017, 12:22 AM

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