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Edit Membership Profile

Edit Membership Profile

On this page, you will be able to edit your membership profile of the Society through an embedded form that links to the Membes membership management system that has been adopted by the Society in 2021.  

This page enables you to amend or update various information including contact details (addresses and phone numbers), title (prefix), work association, qualifications, awards, honours, and professional affiliations. Should you wish to vary your name or information such as your brief biography or laudation (for Fellows), please contact the Society’s secretariat

Fields that are mandatory are highlighted with an asterisk and require some data to be entered in order that the form can be validated. A new mandatory field titled “Expertise/Interests“, which enables the Society to collect valuable information, has been introduced.  Please enter this information in keyword form, or enter “Not applicable” should you do not wish to provide this information.

To edit your profile, you must be logged in to Membes using your credentials: the email address with which the Society communicates with you and a password.  If this is the first time that you have logged in to Membes, or you have forgotten your password, you will need to reset this using the link provided.  An email will be sent to you with a link that will enable you to change your password, after which you should refresh this page and log in to proceed with the editing of your profile.  At the conclusion of your editing, please press the Save Profile button at the end of the form. 

Should you experience any difficulties in using this page and its embedded form, you may instead access the Membes site directly through this link

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