RSNSW Bicentennial Postgraduate Scholarships
We seek your tax-deductible donation in support of the RSNSW Bicentennial Postgraduate Scholarship program that acknowledges excellence and supports young researchers in NSW. To read further about the intent of the bicentennial scholarships program, please follow this link To support this important work, we invite you to please do so through the donation form below.
Further information about this fundraising effort
The Society has a long tradition of supporting young researchers in NSW. Now, more than ever, Australia needs to foster our future leaders.
In 2023 the Society redesignated its postgraduate scholarships to commemorate the Society’s Bicentenary. It will award them to three students each year beginning this year.
The sustainability of the RSNSW Bicentennial Postgraduate Scholarship program depends very much on your support.
Winners receive a cash prize of $1,000, plus a complimentary year of membership of the Society. Membership provides these scholars with the opportunity to network with learned researchers and leading professionals across a wide range of disciplines.
We also invite them to deliver a short presentation of their work to the Society at a general meeting and submit a paper to the Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales.
I invite you to make a tax-deductible donation so that the Society can continue this important initiative well into our third century.
Thank you in advance for your generosity. Young researchers are our future.