The December 2023 issue of the Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of NSW, published on 18 December, is now available online.
This issue includes eight papers, abstracts from nine recent PhD theses, and obituaries for two Fellows of the Society, Emeritus Professor Stephen Gaukroger FRSN FAHA (University of Sydney) and Emeritus Professor Adrian Lee FRSN (UNSW Sydney), who passed away in recent months.
The table of contents lists the articles:
- Stephen Gaukroger, Does science get the credit for too much?
- Deborah Beck., The Governor’s scrapbook.
- Peter French, The rôle of serendipity in biotechnology start-up companies — two case studies.
- Peter Coyne, Ferals — some remote Australian island experiences.
- Gus McLachlan and Andrew Condon, Drones, smart munitions and cyberspace: 21st-century defence of Ukraine & implications for Australia (*)
- James Renwick, The Russia/Ukraine conflict — developments in war crimes.
- Len Fisher, A simple past — a complex future: thoughts from the Heron Island symposium, “Complexity, Criticality and Computation”.
- Jim Falk et al, Critical hydrological impacts from climate change: Addressing an urgent global need.
(*) The paper by Gus McLachlan and Andrew Condon is a transcript of their presentation to the Society’s 1310th Ordinary General Meeting, the recording of which is available on YouTube.
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