The December 2021 issue of the Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of NSW is now available online.
Members of the Society who subscribed to two issues of the hard-copy edition for 2021 will receive their December 2021 copy in the mail in coming weeks once it is printed. Members who did not renew their subscription to the printed copy of the Journal when they paid their annual membership subscription are reminded that they may purchase the June and December 2022 issues in the Online Shop before 30 April 2022, should they wish to receive these issues in hard-copy format.
Papers in the current issue include:
- A marriage made in heaven — mathematics and computers by Ian Sloan
- The Moyal-Dirac controversy revisited by Basil Hiley
- The discovery, origins, and evolution of SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19) by Edward C Holmes
- Taking humour and laughter seriously: The multi-disciplinary field of humour studies by Jessica Milner Davis
- Revivalistics — a new comparative, global, transdisciplinary field of enquiry by Ghil’ad Zuckermann
- With the falling of dusk by Stan Grant
- Behind the scenes of the 1957 Chapel Hill Conference on the Role of Gravitation in Physics by Dean Rickles
- The art of finding and discovering fossils: a personal perspective by Malte C Ebach and Patrick M Smith
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