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Council Elections 2024: announcement of results

At the Society’s 157th Annual General Meeting, held on 17 April 2023, the results of the 2024 Council elections were announced.

The election was conducted by electronic ballot over three weeks from noon on 25 March until noon on 15 April.  Some 200 ballots were submitted by 691 eligible voters, corresponding to a return rate of 29%.

Procedural Motions

  • Approval of Minutes of the 156th Annual General Meeting (2023) — For: 157 votes; Against: 0 votes; Abstentions: 43
  • Receipt of the 2023 Annual Report and Financial Statements — For: 179 votes; Against: 2 votes; Abstentions: 19
  • Confirmation of Auditors for 2024 — For: 191 votes; Against: 1 vote; Abstentions: 8
  • Special Resolution to make the Editor of the Journal and Proceedings of RSNSW an appointed member of Council — For: 191 votes; Against: 3; Abstentions: 6

Accordingly, all four procedural motions were declared as having passed.

Election of Treasurer  (one candidate)

  • Emeritus Professor Peter Wells

 With only a single candidate standing, Emeritus Professor Peter Wells was declared elected as Treasurer without the need for an election. 

Election of five Ordinary Council Members (six candidates)

There were 1,000 votes tallied from 200 voters.

In alphabetical order, the results were:

  • Professor Sean Brawley — 153 votes
  • Professor Sally Cripps — 191 votes
  • Cdre (Ret’d) Vince Di Pietro — 168 votes
  • Mr Medy Hassan — 127 votes
  • Dr Liz Killen — 184 votes
  • Emeritus Professor Robert Marks — 177 votes

With the Special Resolution to make the Editor of the Journal an appointed member of the Council having passed, Emeritus Professor Robert Marks continues as Editor of the Journal, becomes an appointed member of the Council, and removes his candidacy from this election, thereby advancing the next candidate to fill the vacancy.

Accordingly, those elected to fill the five vacancies for Ordinary Members of Council are:

  • Professor Sean Brawley
  • Professor Sally Cripps
  • Cdre (Ret’d) Vince Di Pietro
  • Mr Medy Hassan
  • Dr Liz Killen

Council 2024–2025

The incoming Council for 2024–2025 took office immediately following the 2024 Annual General Meeting.  Its composition is listed in the table below.

PatronHer Excellency The Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Governor of New South Wales
PresidentDr Susan Pond AM FRSN (until April 2025)
Vice-PresidentEmeritus Professor Peter Shergold AC FRSN (until April 2025)
SecretaryDr Donald Hector AM FRSN (until April 2025)
TreasurerEmeritus Professor Peter Wells FRSN (until April 2026)
LibrarianEmeritus Professor Stephen Garton AM FRSN (until April 2025)
WebmasterEmeritus Professor Lindsay Botten FRSN (until April 2025)
CouncillorsProfessor Sean Brawley FRSN (until April 2026)
 Professor Sally Cripps FRSN (until April 2026)
Cdre (Ret’d) Vince Di Pietro AM CSC FRSN (until April 2026)
Mr Medy Hassan OAM FRSN (until April 2026)
Dr Davina Jackson FRSN (until April 2025)
Dr Liz Killen MRSN (until April 2026)
Emeritus Professor Robert Marks FRSN (until April 2026)
Emeritus Professor Christina Slade FRSN (until April 2025)
Branch Representatives 
Southern Highlands
Western NSW
Adjunct Professor Robert Whittaker AM FRSN (until April 2025)
TBA (until April 2025)
Professor Mark Evans FRSN (until April 2026)
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