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Council Elections 2023: announcement of results

Royal Society of NSW emblem

RSNSW logoAt the Society’s 156th Annual General Meeting, held on 5 April 2023, the results of the 2023 Council elections were announced.

The election was conducted by electronic ballot over a three-week period from noon on 13 March until noon on 3 April.  Some 222 ballots were submitted by 664 eligible voters, corresponding to a return rate of 33%.

Procedural motions

  • Approval of the minutes of the 155th Annual General Meeting (2022) — For: 177 votes; Against: 0 votes; Abstentions: 24
  • Receipt of the 2022 Annual Report and Financial Statements — For: 199 votes; Against: 0 votes; Abstentions: 23
  • Confirmation of Auditors for 2023 — For: 205 votes; Against: 1 vote; Abstentions: 16


Accordingly, all three procedural motions were declared by the Returning Officer, the Hon. John Dowd AO KC FRSN, as having passed.

Election of Secretary (two candidates)

  • Donald Hector: 112 votes
  • Bruce Ramage: 110 votes


Accordingly, the Returning Officer declared Donald Hector to be elected as Secretary of the Royal Society of NSW.

Since all other office-bearer and elected Council member vacancies received the same number of nominations as there were positions available, these nominees had been declared elected, without the need for a ballot, in advance of the election.

Council 2023–2024

The incoming Council for 2023–2024 took office immediately following the 2023 Annual General Meeting.  Its composition is listed in the table below.

Patron Her Excellency The Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Governor of New South Wales
President Dr Susan Pond AM FRSN (until April 2025)
Vice-President Emeritus Professor Peter Shergold AC FRSN (until April 2025)
Secretary Dr Donald Hector AM FRSN (until April 2025)
Treasurer Mr Bhavin Raval MRSN (until April 2025)
Librarian Emeritus Professor Stephen Garton AM FRSN (until April 2025)
Webmaster Emeritus Professor Lindsay Botten FRSN (until April 2025)

Professor Katherine Belov AO FRSN (until April 2025)
Professor Sean Brawley FRSN (until April 2024)
Professor Philip Gale FRSN (until April 2024)
Ms Pamela Griffith OAM FRSN (until April 2024)
Dr Davina Jackson FRSN (until April 2025)
Emeritus Professor Robert Marks FRSN (until April 2024)
Emeritus Professor Christina Slade FRSN (until April 2025)
One member to be appointed by Council (TBA) (until April 2025)

Hunter Branch Representative
Southern Highlands Branch Representative
Western NSW Branch Representative
To be advised (until April 2025)
Dr James Rowe FRSN (until April 2025)

Professor Mark Evans FRSN (until April 2024)

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