
News 2011

Five New Fellows Honoured

(Note: A change to the Rules of the Society in December 2013 changed Fellowships to Distinguished Fellowships.) At the Liversidge Research Lecture for 2010 held on 26 November, the President

News 2008

History Week 2008

Science House, 157 Gloucester Street The Royal Society of New South Wales presents “Science then and now – What 100 years have done for Science” The Royal Society returns to

News 2007

News 2007

The Cultural Heritage Grant Project is progressing very well. See the Cultural Heritage Grant Project Page for details.

News 2006

NSW Government Grant

February 2006: On the 14th November last year, following representations to the NSW Government Minister for Science, Mr. Frank Sartor, Prof Peter Williams and Karina Kelly met with the Director

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