
News, News 2017

Sydney meetings in 2017

Wednesday 1 February 1250th OGM and open lecture: 2015 Scholarship presentations Yik Lung (Jeremy) Chan, School of Life Sciences, University of Technology Sydney “Effects of maternal cigarette smoke exposure on […]

News, News 2016

Sydney meetings in 2016

Wednesday 3 February Royal Society 2014 Scholarship Presentations – the 1240th OGM and Public Lecture “Problems and prime numbers”Adrian Dudek, Australian National University “How old are flowers?” Charles Foster, University

News 2014

New Fellows appointed

On Wednesday 2 July 2014, a group of eleven Fellows were presented with their certificates. Thirty-six Fellows have been appointed since the new Rules were introduced in December 2013.​ Left

News 2014

New Fellows appointed

On Wednesday 2 July 2014, a group of eleven Fellows were presented with their certificates. Thirty-six Fellows have been appointed since the new Rules were introduced in December 2013.​ On

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