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Western Branch

Western NSW Branch

About the Branch and its Role

The Council of the Royal Society of NSW confirmed the establishment of the Western NSW Branch of the Society at its July 2021 meeting.  An Inaugural Meeting to elect the office-bearers was held on 14 September 2021. 

Charles Sturt University is supporting the establishment of the Western NSW Branch and is currently approaching cultural institutions and local industry within the Western Region to support the branch.

The vision and mission of the Branch are those of the broader Society, while its key objectives are to:

  • Establish a vibrant and sustainable Branch of the Royal Society of NSW within the Western Region of NSW
  • Build and foster partnerships with relevant and appropriate organisations in the region
  • Market and promote the role and purpose of the Royal Society within the
    broader community
  • raise funds to provide continuing financial support for the role the Royal Society would play within the Western Region of NSW.

Events and News

For information about events and news concerning Branch, please access the links in the sidebar on the right of this page.


Nominees for Office-bearers, elected at the 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Branch, are listed below.  

Chairperson Professor Mark Evans FRSN
Deputy Chairperson Vacant
Secretary Mr Nilima Mathai                       
Treasurer (interim) Mr Trent Pohlmann MRSN
Committee Members (up to six)    Professor Lesley Forster FRSN
  Professor Geoff Gurr FRSN
  Professor Francesco Marino FRSN
  Dr David Nash FRSN


Please address enquiries to the Branch Secretary.

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