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Society Fellows amongst the winners at the 2024 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes

The Royal Society of New South Wales is delighted to learn that two of its Fellows, Dr Jiao Jiao Li FRSN, a biomedical engineer from the University of Technology Sydney, and Professor Kate Jolliffe FRSN FAA, a supramolecular and organic chemist from the University of Sydney, have been awarded Australian Museum Eureka Prizes for 2024 at a ceremony held in Sydney on the evening of Wednesday, 4 September.

The Council of the Society warmly congratulates both Dr Li and Professor Jolliffe on their achievements and on this recognition of the impact of their outstanding research.

Dr Jiao Jiao Li has won the 2024 Eureka Prize for Emerging Leader in Science. Dr Li is motivated by the belief that everyone is entitled to healthy ageing, She leads transdisciplinary research in regenerative medicine to find new treatments for bone and joint diseases, turning medical discoveries into new therapies for patients. She is also a leader and enabler in STEM engagement and career building for others, particularly under-represented groups.

Professor Kate Jolliffe has won the 2024 University of Technology Sydney Eureka Prize for Outstanding Mentor of Young Researchers. Professor Jolliffe’s research and leadership have enhanced Australia’s standing in the relatively young field of supramolecular chemistry. To help close the gender gap she supported the foundation of the international ‘Women in Supramolecular Chemistry’ network. Her committed mentorship has resulted in more than 150 researchers being appointed to senior academic and industry roles.

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