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Australia Day Honours 2024 (updated)

Australia DayHonours 2023

Australia DayHonours 2023 The Society is delighted to learn of the awards to the following Society Fellows and Members whose names appear in the 2024 Australia Day Honours List.

Please note that since the original news item was published, the Society has been notified of additional members who were honoured in the Australia Day Honours List. These people are identified in the list below by a prepended asterisk. An updated version of this list will be published in the March 2024 edition of The Bulletin.

The following have been honoured as Officers of the Order of Australia (AO).

Professor Ian Hickie AO FRSN FASSA FAHMS, Professor and Co-Director, Health and Policy, Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney, for distinguished service to psychiatric research and reforms as an advocate for improved mental health care and awareness.

(The late) Emeritus Professor Robin King AO FRSN FTSE for distinguished service to engineering, to tertiary education, and to professional organisations through executive roles.

The following have been honoured as Members of the Order of Australia (AM).

Emeritus Professor Roy Green AM FRSN, of the University of Technology Sydney, for significant service to business, and to tertiary education in the fields of science, technology and innovation.

Emeritus Professor Gisela Kaplan AM FRSN, Emeritus Professor in Animal Behaviour, University of New England, for significant service to science education through research into animal behaviour.

(The late) Emeritus Professor Adrian Lee AM FRSN of the University of New South Wales,  for significant service to tertiary education, to microbiology, and to professional organisations.

Dr John Vallance, AM FRSN FAHA, former State Librarian of New South Wales, for significant service to education, to library services and programs, and to the arts.

The following have been honoured with the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM).

(*) Professor Elizabeth New OAM FRSN, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Sydney, for service to science as a researcher in chemical biology and molecular imaging.

Should the Society have missed the names of other Members and Fellows who have been included in the 2024 Australian Honours, please let us know by writing to RSNSW Communications.

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