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Southern Highlands Branch

Southern Highlands Branch

About the Branch

The Society has an active branch in the Southern Highlands of NSW.  It conducts monthly lectures at Mittagong, mostly but not exclusively on scientific topics. Both members and visitors are most welcome to attend.

Information about the Branch’s past and forthcoming events can be found by accessing the sidebar on this page and also from the global events menu of this website. 


Office-bearers elected at the 2023 Annual General Meeting are:

Chair Ms Anne Wood FRSN
Vice-Chair Vacant
Secretary Air Cdre (Retd) Peter Eustace MRSN  
Treasurer Mr Michael Jonas MRSN
Committee Members    Ms Ann Fieldhouse MRSN
    Mr Hubert Regtop MRSN


For further information about the talks presented at the Southern Highlands Branch, please contact the Branch Chair by email.

Please note that the former Southern Highlands Branch website has now been decommissioned and that all information about the branch’s events and activity are now listed on this website. 


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