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Benefits of Membership

Benefits of Membership

Membership of the Royal Society of New South Wales is open to any person interested in the promotion of studies in evidence-based debate on matters of significance to humanity. The Society upholds the principles of liberal democracy and encourages a non-discriminatory discourse and the free exchange of ideas that respect religious, political, and cultural freedoms, seeing these as fundamental to Australian intellectual life.

Society membership brings inclusion in networks of learned researchers and professionals across a wide range of disciplines, provides opportunities to advance the evolution of science and culture in Australia, and is an avenue through which individuals can share in the work of the Society.

The Society particularly welcomes young people to become members.

The Society offers:

  • A monthly Bulletin to keep you up to date with what’s going on in the Society.
  • Monthly lectures, in Sydney and at the Branches, presented by eminent researchers and practitioners, to inform you of the latest developments in their fields, and to address major challenges confronting contemporary society.
  • Social events that bring bring members together.
  • Specialist, prestigious lectures, such as the Clarke, Pollock, Poggendorf, and Liversidge lectures.
  • Free online and subscription access to the printed version of the Society’s internationally-recognised peer-reviewed Journal, providing refereed reviews and other learned papers, together with written versions of our monthly lectures, PhD abstracts, and biographical memoirs.
  • An annual dinner with a recognised speaker and an opportunity to mingle with our prestigious Award winners.
  • Access to one of the oldest scientific libraries in the Southern Hemisphere.


Information about categories of membershiphow to join the Society, and online services available to members are available through the preceding links.

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