The Royal Society of New South Wales has long recognised distinguished achievements in various fields of knowledge through its Awards. Some are amongst the oldest in Australia while others are more recent. In this year, 2023, the Society has broadened and streamlined its Awards portfolio to recognise recent and evolving fields and disciplines, and emerging as well as established research stars. From 2023 onwards, the Society Awards are made in two main classes reflecting the Society’s history: Career Excellence Medals and Discipline Awards and Medals; with additional Awards, Scholarships, and Citations, including Internal Awards for distinguished service to the Society and community.
The Awards for 2023 were announced at the 1318th Ordinary General Meeting of the Society, held on Wednesday, 29 November 2023, by the President, Dr Susan Pond AM FRSN.
Listed below are the winners, together with links to information about the awards and their recipients
RSNSW Career Excellence Awards
RSNSW James Cook Medal:
Scientia Professor Helen Christensen AO FASSA FAHMS (Blackdog Institute, UNSW Sydney)
RSNSW Edgeworth David Medal:
Professor Qilin Wang FRSN (University of Technology Sydney)
RSNSW Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Scholars Medal:
Aunty Frances Bodkin (Western Sydney University)
RSNSW Ida Browne Early Career Medal:
Dr Brendan Nuen (The George Institute, UNSW Sydney)
RSNSW Discipline Awards and Lectureships
RSNSW Clarke Medal and Lecture in Earth Sciences:
Professor Moninya Roughan FRSN (UNSW Sydney)
RSNSW Walter Burfitt Award in Medical and Veterinary Sciences and Technology:
Professor Maria Kavallaris AM FRSN FAHMS (UNSW Sydney)
RSNSW Award in the Social and Behavioural Sciences:
Scientia Professor Kaarin Anstey FRSN FASSA FAHMS (UNSW Sydney)
RSNSW Award in the History and Philosophy of Science:
Professor Hans Pols FRSN FAHA FASSA (University of Sydney)
RSNSW Scholarships, Early Career, and Student Awards
RSNSW Bicentennial Postgraduate Scholarships
—Ms Sasha Bailey (University of Sydney)
—Mr Jaydon McKinnon (University of Wollongong)
RSNSW Bicentennial Early Career Research and Service Citations
—Dr Jacinta Martin (University of Newcastle)
—Dr Abhimanu Pandey (Australian National University)
—Dr Shoujin Wang (University of Technology Sydney)
RSNSW Jak Kelly Award
—Mr Jamie Alvarado-Montes (Macquarie University)
RSNSW Service Awards
RSNSW Medal — Ms Judith Wheeldon AM FRSN
RSNSW Citation — Mr Jason Antony MRSN
The Council of The Royal Society of NSW extends its warmest congratulations to the winners of the 2023 Awards and wishes them well in their future endeavours.