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Recent Events now on YouTube: July 2022

Recorded RSNSW events now on YouTube

Recorded RSNSW events now on YouTubeMost face-to-face events and all online events conducted by the Royal Society of NSW are recorded and made available for subsequent viewing on our YouTube channel, youtube.com/royalsocnsw. There were two events, held in July 2022, for which recordings are now available.

On 6 July 2022, Professor Hugh White AO FASSA, Emeritus Professor of Strategic Studies at the Australian National University, delivered an excellent and thought-provoking talk titled “This is going to be different: Learning to live with Chinese Power” in which he discussed China’s rise that is driving the most consequential shift in Australia’s international environment since European settlement. So far we are in denial about this, hoping that a reassertion of American supremacy will contain China’s power and preserve the old US-led regional order which has served us so well. But what are the chances of those hopes being realised, and what can we do if they are dashed? How does Australia make its way in an Asia no longer dominated by our Great and Powerful Friends? How we answer that question will do much to define us as a nation. This presentation is now available on YouTube.

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