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Queen’s Birthday Honours 2021

Royal Society of NSW

Royal Society of NSW The Society is pleased to note the awards listed in the 2021 Queen’s Birthday Honours List to Society Fellows: a Companion of the Order to Australia (AC) to Emeritus Professor Kurt Lambeck AC DistFRSN FRS FAA, Members of the Order of Australia (AM) to Professor Gilles Guillemin AM OM (Fr, Chevalier) FRSN and Mr John Hardie AM FRSN, and a Medal of the Order of Australia to Adjunct Professor Medy Hassan OAM FRSN.

Professor Lambeck, of the Australian National University, and a Fellow of the Royal Society and a Distinguished Fellow of the Royal Society of NSW, received his honour for eminent service to science, particularly to geophysics and geodesy, through research roles at the national and international level, to professional scientific organisations, and to education.  Professor Guilleman, of Macquarie University, received his honour in recognition of significant service to science education, to Motor Neurone Disease research, and to sport, while Mr Hardie, who is President of the Royal Societies of Australia and a former President of the Royal Society of NSW, was honoured for significant service to science education, and to professional societies. Adjunct Professor Hassan received his award for service to the building and construction industry.

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