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Release of YouTube videos from the 2020 Forum: After COVID-19-Creating the Best of Times from the Worst of Times

Government House Forum participants

Forum Participants at Government House, SydneyIn the spirit of advancing knowledge and enriching lives, The Royal Society of NSW is pleased to announce the availability of the video recordings from its most recent annual Forum, conducted jointly with the Four Learned Academies. The theme of the 2020 Forum was “After COVID-19: Creating the Best of Times from the Worst of Times”. This year, the Forum was conducted in front of a somewhat reduced face-to-face audience at Government House, Sydney on 5 November 2020, but was joined by a larger online audience which participated in the day’s activities via YouTube live streaming.

The recordings are now available on our YouTube channel and are collected in an associated playlist for convenient access. You may also access these via the our website article which is accessible on the Forums page of the website Publishing menu. This article includes a report of the Forum, together with links to the YouTube videos, the printed program (which includes biographies of the speakers), and an album of photographs taken on the day.

We hope that you enjoy this new content that is now available and that that you will share it with your network of contacts and to your communication channels. We also encourage you to subscribe to our YouTube channel (for which a Google account is required) and to click on the bell icon to be notified when new content is posted.

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