The Royal Society of NSW is delighted to announce the release on its YouTube channel of the recording of the inaugural Ideas@theHouse presentation, conducted by webinar on the evening of Thursday, 21 May 2020. Ideas@theHouse is an initiative of Her Excellency, The Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, Governor of New South Wales, to open Government House to a series of public events based on important and/or influential ideas. In this, the Royal Society of NSW and other organisations were invited to devise a series of lectures to be delivered under the banner of Ideas@theHouse.
The Royal Society was delighted to have been selected to deliver this first Ideas@theHouse event, titled “Ten: the Mapping of Colonial Australia” and presented by Professor Robert Clancy AM FRSN, an Emeritus Professor in Immunology from the University of Newcastle, Australia, a Fellow of the Royal Society of NSW, and an internationally recognised histocartographer.
More information about Ideas@theHouse, the subject of the presentation, and the speaker are available on the Society’s website.