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Governor’s Reception for Lord May of Oxford

The Society was honoured by the decision of our Patron, Professor Marie Bashir, Governor of NSW, to hold a reception at Government House, Sydney for the formal investiture of Lord May of Oxford, a distinguished Australian scientist now residing in the UK, as Fellow of the Society. This took place in the late afternoon of Friday 29 April 2011 following Lord May’s delivery of the Dirac Lecture at the University of NSW that morning. The presence at the event of several leaders of the scientific community in NSW was testament to the value that is placed on excellence and achievement in science, and on the importance of the Society’s Fellows.

Footage of the event can be found here: Dirac Lecture 2011 – Beauty and truth: their intersection in mathematics and science

Lord and Lady May (centre) with Her Excellency the Governor and the President following Lord May’s investiture as Fellow of the Society at Government House Sydney.

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